
PDSCW Hike Report
Oat - Hay Canyons To Bottom Long - Jemez Mountains Region

Hike Distance (mi): 6.5
Elevation Change (ft): 740
Total Uphill (ft): 970
Total Downhill (ft): 970


12 hikers went on this hike on a beautiful fall day. Fortunately our hike didn’t involve crossing the new high metal fencing recently installed further north. We went through a new gate (see photo) on our way to Oat Canyon then crossed the stream on a plank. We were almost all around the next gate when Paul C noticed that the fence part of the gate was on a hinge! Then it was up the eroded 2-track in Oat Canyon to a trail to the left where we had lunch. After a short steep section uphill (and a backtrack from a second one), we were on our way to Hay Canyon where we saw signs that elk like it too (skat plus bed-down areas). There were only a few flowers, but we came across a gentian in the meadow. We visited the overlooks to Cebolla Canyon below, then went back to the “big rock” to find the start of the narrow canyon way down. The leader got turned around somehow, but zoomed in on her gps and finally got on the right track. Everyone made it down the canyon successfully. At the bottom there was a choice between the gate and an open fence. The open fence looked good, but later we had to go under another one (the first time for one of the hikers). Finally we were back on the road. We crossed the stream again using logs or rocks. We made it back to the center shortly before our expected return time of 6 PM.

Thanks to Paul C for driving, sweeping, and helping hikers in the narrow canyon.

Web Album 1 Name: Marilyn's album
Web Album 1 Link: link
Hike Report Status: Published

Hike Leader(s): Marilyn Warrant   
Hike Coordinator(s): Marilyn Warrant   Dawn McIntyre