
BCSC Hike Report
Ponderosa Trail At Juan Tomas - Cedro Peak Region

Hike Distance (mi): 4
Elevation Change (ft): 258
Total Uphill (ft): 265
Total Downhill (ft): 265


12 hikers left the Bear Canyon Senior Center at 8:20, arriving at the trailhead approximately 9 am. After the hike leader discovered that she had deviated from the track, we backtracked and started hiking the track. It was a beautiful, cool morning with just a gentle breeze. Wildflowers were evident such as Indian Paintbrush and Phlox. As we anticipated an early return the group elected to skip a lunch break. We arrived back at the van at 11:20 and arrived back at the Center at Noon. Thank you Joe for driving.

Hike Report Status: Published

Hike Leader(s): Karen Rivard   
Hike Coordinator(s): Carl Gervais   Sunita Moonka   Marilyn Warrant