
PDSCW Hike Report
Calaveras Canyon - Big Side Canyon - Jemez Mountains Region

Hike Distance (mi): 6.5
Elevation Change (ft): 500
Total Uphill (ft): 500
Total Downhill (ft): 500


13 hikers went on this hike in the Jemez even though showers were expected for the afternoon. The roads were fine until just after the turn-off to Seven Springs, when the road became rutted dirt. Instead of being smooth dirt, the parking area had a number of large rocks. Our goal was to hike as far as we could but still return to the van before any downpours.

The meadows were green and the flowers were starting. We made the turn to the Big Side Canyon and headed up it, taking photos of the interesting rock formations. There was a shallow pond that looked nasty. We turned around after spotting some very dark clouds. As we headed back, we heard thunder in the distance. We came upon some large bones, and two hikers couldn’t resist posing with them (see photos). We hiked a total of 5.1 mi. (It never did rain.) We stopped at Walatowa for snacks and drinks and made it back to Palo Duro by 5 PM.

Thanks to Jody for sweeping and helping with the new hikers, to Jim B for taking care of the gates, and Sunita for driving.

Web Album 1 Name: Marilyn's photos
Web Album 1 Link: link
Hike Report Status: Published

Hike Leader(s): Marilyn Warrant   
Hike Coordinator(s): Marilyn Warrant   Dawn McIntyre