Our Hiking Groups


Most senior centers have only one hiking group. For these centers, the group name is the same as the center abbreviation. For the centers that have or have had more than one hiking group, the group name is the center abbreviation followed by one or more letters indicative of that particular group. For example, the Palo Duro Senior Center’s Wednesday hiking group’s name is PDSCW, PDSC plus W for Wednesday.

Group Status Group Name Group Fullname
(click to view)
Center Usual Meet Time Usual Hiking Day Reservation
Days Before
Hike Coordinator(s)
Active Ad-Hoc Ad-Hoc Hiking Group None Carl Gervais, Marilyn Warrant
Active BCSC Bear Canyon Senior Center Hiking Group Bear Canyon Senior Center 8:15 AM Thursday 13 Carl Gervais, Sunita Moonka, Marilyn Warrant
Inactive HSC Highland Senior Center Hiking Group Highland Senior Center 8:15 AM Tuesday 14
Inactive LV-FIT Los Volcanes Fitness Center Hiking Group Los Volcanes Fitness Center 8:00 AM Wednesday 0
Active LVSC Los Volcanes Senior Center Hiking Group Los Volcanes Senior Center 8:00 AM Wednesday 14 Sherry Blumenstock, Pam Bliss
Inactive NDB-FIT North Domingo Baca Fitness Center Hiking Group North Domingo Baca Fitness Center 8:00 AM Wednesday 0
Inactive NDBMC North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center Hiking Group North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 8:15 AM Friday 14
Inactive NVSC North Valley Senior Center Hiking Group North Valley Senior Center 8:00 AM Thursday 14
Inactive PD-FIT Palo Duro Fitness Center Hiking Group Palo Duro Fitness Center 7:00 AM Monday 0
Inactive PDSCS Palo Duro Senior Center - Saturday Hiking Group Palo Duro Senior Center 9:00 AM Saturday 14
Inactive PDSCT Palo Duro Senior Center - Tuesday Hiking Group Palo Duro Senior Center 8:15 AM Tuesday 14
Active PDSCW Palo Duro Senior Center - Wednesday Hiking Group Palo Duro Senior Center 8:30 AM Wednesday 13 Marilyn Warrant, Dawn McIntyre

Ad-Hoc Hikes

See Ad-Hoc Hikes for information about that type of hike.

Fitness Center Hiking Groups

Fitness center hiking groups are all currently Inactive.

Senior Center Hiking Groups

The remaining active hiking groups hike all year. Call the center to sign up and reserve a seat for each upcoming hike. Dates that signups start are listed for each hike in the Hike Schedule. Drop-ins are accommodated if van space is available and no special hiker limits will be exceeded.