PDSCW Hike Report
Paseo De Las Montanas South – Albuquerque
Hike Report Sent By: Marilyn Warrant
Hike Distance (mi): 6.9
Elevation Change (ft): 295
Total Uphill (ft): 325
Total Downhill (ft): 325
The weather forecast was scary (below freezing to start, overcast with wind later) but two hikers showed up for this hike. It was chilly as we made our way up the Embudo arroyo, but the sun came out and the winds never blew. Jill picked up trash along the way and collected big bags full of ball caps, plastic cups, paper, and plastic bags. The trail is part of the Albuquerque 50-mile loop and was well marked. We stayed on it except for a short distance on the Piedra Lisa arroyo to Einstein’s Bagels. We stopped there to warm up and enjoy a hot drink and a bagel. On the way back it was warm enough to shed our outer coats.
The photos show a tree with unfamiliar nuts and our hikers on the pedestrian bridge that crosses I-40.
Information: Click here to go to the hike web page where you may view the hike map, trailhead directions, how to do the actual hike, and download the hike GPS files.
Hike Leader(s): Marilyn Warrant
Web Album 1 Name: Marilyn’s photos
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