2024-09-12–BCSC – Hike Report

BCSC Hike Report

Sandia Crest To Del Agua – Sandia Mountain East

Hike Report Sent By: Karen Rivard

Hike Distance (mi): 4.5
Elevation Change (ft): 810
Total Uphill (ft): 980
Total Downhill (ft): 980


With only 4 hikers, we were fortunate to be allowed to take the van. Leaving the Center at just before 8:30 am, we arrived at the parking area at approximately 9:20 am having narrowly avoided hitting a doe who attempted to cross in front of us while on the drive up the mountain. It was a cool day with a slight breeze. There were few wildflowers remaining but we spotted purple aster, Indian Paintbrush, and Yarrow. Upon reaching Del Agua overlook, we paused for a brief snack while we admired the view. The trek back was a bit more arduous, being mostly uphill. On our drive down the mountain we spotted two bucks at the side of the road. We arrived at the Center at 1:30 pm. Thank you Joe for driving.

Information: Click here to go to the hike web page where you may view the hike map, trailhead directions, how to do the actual hike, and download the hike GPS files.

Hike Leader(s): Karen Rivard  

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