2024-08-29–BCSC – Hike Report

BCSC Hike Report

East Fork Box Wade – Jemez Mountains

Hike Report Sent By: Carl Gervais

Hike Distance (mi): 4.7
Elevation Change (ft): 271
Total Uphill (ft): 502
Total Downhill (ft): 502


Ten hikers left Bear Canyon at 8:40am. Arrived at the TH at 10:15 and promptly headed off on the Box Wade hike. After navigating over several downed trees across the trail the hikers made down to the river. Then they walked up the river to the lunch spot just down from the waterfall. After lunch we walked in and out of the river all the way back to the road. Arriving back at BCSC before 3pm.

Thanks to Paul for driving and Diana for sweeping.

Information: Click here to go to the hike web page where you may view the hike map, trailhead directions, how to do the actual hike, and download the hike GPS files.

Hike Leader(s): Carl Gervais  

Web Album 1 Name: Carl – Jemez East Fork Box Wade
Web Album 1 Link: Link

Web Album 2 Name:
Web Album 2 Link: Link

Web Album 3 Name:
Web Album 3 Link: Link

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