La Luz Spur – Kiwanis Cabin Loop – Sandia Mountain East
Hike Report Sent By: Marilyn Fixer
Hike Distance (mi): 4.3
Elevation Change (ft): 520
Total Uphill (ft): 805
Total Downhill (ft): 805
There were 8 of us on this hike trying to escape the heat. Many of the flowers had bloomed then dried up. We were mostly in the shade (whew). There were still wonderful views to the east and a couple of extras not usually seen! They were (1) A sighting of a momma bear and two cubs crossing the Crest highway just below the Ellis trailhead (sorry, no photos), and (2) launching of two hang gliders (see video taken by Rob B and photos by Marilyn).
Information: Click here to go to the hike web page where you may view the hike map, trailhead directions, how to do the actual hike, and download the hike GPS files.
Hike Leader(s): Marilyn Warrant
Web Album 1 Name: Marilyn’s photos
Web Album 1 Link: Link
Web Album 2 Name: Rob’s video
Web Album 2 Link: Link
Web Album 3 Name:
Web Album 3 Link: Link
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