Hello hikers,

Our hiking website www.aschg.org now has lots of good information and options for wildflower enthusiasts.
We encourage you to add your flower photos to the website and thank all the hikers who already have contributed photos. Each species has space for up to 12 photos, so don't be shy. You'll need to identify the flower and provide the date when you took the photo plus the hike or location. Marilyn Warrant can help with photo issues or, if you cannot identify the flower but have as wonderful photo, she may add your submission to the mystery file.

For a few wildflowers that are common here but can be difficult to identify by species-penstemon, paintbrush, cinquefoil--we have listed the genus followed by spp., the abbreviation for species, plural. Use these more general listings if you know the genus but cannot be sure of the species.

Thanks to Nancy Carr, who identified mystery flower PK2, Wild four o'clock, Mirabilis multiflora. Check out the mystery flower photos and see if you can identify any of the new ones. Ken and Judie think they identified others in the original set.

Now that spring is here all we need is rain for the flowers to start blooming. We hope you'll get involved by reporting the flowers you see on hikes, submitting your wildflower photos for the flora-fauna part of the website and adding new species you've seen on hikes.

Judie Schwartz

Ken Smith

Marilyn Warrant

Randy Simons