
BCSC Hike Report
Tecolote - Balsam Glade - Capulin - Sandia Mountain East Region

Hike Distance (mi): 5.1
Elevation Change (ft): 381
Total Uphill (ft): 785
Total Downhill (ft): 785


9 hikers arrived at the Tecolote TH at 9:15 am. It was a cool, misty morning with rain forecast, which made for a very pleasant hiking experience. There was an abundance of wildflowers, including Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Indian Paintbrush, Richardson’s Geranium, Mariposa Lily, Flax, cactus blossoms, Mountain Four O’Clock, and Wallflower. The Hermit Thrush and Chickadee serenaded us. We then proceeded to the Capulin Snow Play area where we accessed the Capulin Peak trail. The views were spectacular from the lookout at the end of the trail. We could see Placitas and Paloma Peak as well as East Mountain communities. Returning to the Capulin parking area we drove to the Balsam Glade picnic areas where we had lunch and took the short hike to the La Madera Canyon overlook. We returned to the Center at 2:10. Thank you, Joe, for the skillful and excellent driving and thank you Marilyn for the pictures and plant identification. Total distance hiked: 5.49 miles (2.67 Tecolote, 2.26 Capulin and .66 Balsam.

Web Album 1 Name: Marilyn's Photos
Web Album 1 Link: link
Hike Report Status: Published

Hike Leader(s): Karen Rivard   
Hike Coordinator(s): Carl Gervais   Sunita Moonka